Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hello, all 2 of you~

I have not written in awhile for a few reasons: life is crazy busy, and my wonderful neighbor somehow reverse checked my email and found my only outlet for my angst!!! What a loser, does he have nothing better to do, but look at what I am doing? I haven't posted anything due to this violation, hopefully he has moved on with his life by now.

Ken and I have been busy looking for a new house, mostly because of said loser, but also because we seem to somehow attract them in this wonderful place, like flies. I didn't want to say anything about the hunt because I would rather him not know anything that we are doing, but who really cares what HE thinks after all. We just don't want him to be more rude and invasive then he already is. The last time the cops came to my house though, it seems they may have finally told him to leave us alone; because I had it, I cracked and called him a bad name - and he called the cops on me - it was great. I have never been in trouble before, it was kind fun!! They told me to never talk to him and don't let him get to me, since that is what he truly wants - to irritate. They also got an ear full from me about how the situation has escalated to this point and they have taken almost 2 years and 10 cops to actually hear what I was saying - " this guy is a bully and is trying to claim our property, and that we are guardians of the house we live in and we are looking out for the best interest of the owners, in the long run..." Surprise! Our great officers of the peace have really impressed me now.

Overall, we are not loving it here in this town, and the family has come to a consensus that we are searching for a better place. We will stay put for now and save up some money until the day comes. No worries, that is just life sometimes. We are making lemonade of it, taking trips and learning about new places in the NW. We know we really like it in the coastal areas up here - gorgeous; just where we like seems to be the issue. There are many great communities around here. We just want to find one that offers plenty clientele for both Ken and I (construction and alternative medicine) and activities/schools for the kids (neither of which are very good here.) Coming here has definitely given us the opportunity to catch up on life and get to a good place in our marriage, so there are some benefits to dealing with strangeness in the world, you can actually befriend your mate in the process ;-)

Moving on....

We are staring our 4th year of homeschooling D. I am really nervous and excited. I start school again this month, having 6 weeks off for summer with children, which was nice. Plus, this year I have the added bonus of pre-schooling M. Finding activities for her outside the house seems to be a little easier in this town, luckily. We are doing a children's choir and tap dance this semester. D is a little harder to provide activities for, but we have him doing soccer this season and maybe we will try jujitsu again after that, since the instructor seems to have a kids class finally. We stopped going due to the fact that he had no kids in the classes regularly and D was stuck grappling with 6 ft. men 3 times his size. Not cool! He actually came home with a pinched nerve one time, it was scary.

Anywho, I have babbled enough. Just wanted to give a quick update on the blog. I will be trying to post more frequently now. I truly enjoy the writings, and I need to have a place to put all my thoughts, whether or not anyone reads them is another issue. I plan on at least leaving quotes and quips on the bloc for viewing on dry days. Those I am full of - I have been meaning to write a book, and someday may. Until then, I have this tiny bloc....


Undercover Mother said...

Don't let that ass get you down. No matter what he does to you guys, it's never as bad as having to wake up every morning and be him.

I am selfishly hoping you don't move, but like I said, I'm just bein' selfish.

Anonymous said...

He sees how happy you are in your life and love of life, so he hates you for it! Too bad for him he can't find it for himself! Hell is what 1 makes for themselves....