Hey Everyone!
I just wanted to remind you that the deadline to register to vote in the November election is October 6th (Monday). If you are not currently registered or need to update your address, go to
Also, for those of you that don't like waiting in line, I would recomend that you go to
If the lines are too long for this unprecedented election, many people will be unable to vote. Most employers only allow one hour for their employees to go vote, and many people would risk losing their jobs if they stayed longer. If more people voted by absentee ballot, we can help reduce this and allow more people the opportunity to cast their votes.
Just a thought!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Email to Neice:
Hey Ash ~
I love to see that you are doing this. I totally agree that some people are not able to risk their jobs to vote.
In OR we all vote absentee, for every election, even local shit. I think it is due to the seasonal and migrant fishing and logging industry workers, mainly, but I also think that this is a notoriously apathetic state, and they do it so people actually vote.
I would love to see more women, who have the divine privilege of voting in our society, get off their asses and vote. Most I know that skip the opportunity do so because they think they are too busy with work and home life being so demanding all the time. I hope the mail-in option catches on, nationally; and the women of this country, in particular, make a unprecedented turn-out for this extremely pivotal election.
Love hear from you anytime. Please join facebook, like your brothers and cousins and aunts and uncles and, and, and.
Hope to see you soon.
Love, Auntie Chris
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