Puppy tails!!
We just got a dog this Saturday. He is kind and gentle and obedient, a pleasant surprise. We think he is a German Short Hair Pointer, possibly a purebred. Very wirey and sprite. Full of love and already answers to his name. He has cow spots and freckles, great wirey hair, and points when he is inspired to do so. Definitely not the Hound/Dalmation mix the pound labeled him as.
His name is Edison, just like the inventor. D finds he is a kindered spirit, since he was sent home from public school and told they couldn't help him also. A fellow homeschooler indeed! We studied many of his biographies and inventions this year. Finding they have many personality familiars, and D being an inventive guy loved really delving into it.
Hard to believe someone dumped this poor puppy in the woods to fend for himself, he is only 6-8 months old! We all feel better, knowing that we are giving him a loving home. We searched for the right one, and got lucky. We had to drive to Longview to get him (an hour away) but well worth it.
He is a perfect fit for the family. A little bigger than we originally planned on, but worth the extra efforts. It seems to be our luck with animals for the most part, we find gentle souls.

He's darling! I'm sorry I couldn't meet him this morning--we were trying to get out of town in time to get everything done in Portland and still be home at a decent hour. (The boys were waiting and the car still running) ARG... I'm finally home, but pulled my back half way through the trip so am in a wee bit of pain. heh
Anyhow, Welcome to Edison! :)
Hooray for Edison!!! It's not the little one I recommended, but I can see how it'd be hard to resist that face! AND our shelter thanks you profusely for bringing him home!
Are the kids loving it?? On second thought, what about the cats?
He is SO cute! Congratulations!
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