WHEN NEIGHBORS DON'T GET ALONG - This is a legal option ;-)
Mother of 3 Angels Zen Buddhist Homeschooler Anthropologist Artist Herbalist Plant Lover Holistic Health Practitioner Go With the Flow Girl In Love With My Husband People Watcher Earth Caretaker
How horrendous! Your aunt has a great sense of humour! Can you get a restraining order? Is their a legal way in which he can be kept away and any contact made to you must be via lawyers? (That must require money, but...)
He HIT you? What about assault charges? What is UP with the police here?
I don't blame you though. Some battles are not meant to be dragged out forever. There are other things in life than putting this guy in his place, and I hope you get the other place.
Of course, not so ironically, it seems this guy is NOT a chick magnet. He may be causing you grief, but we all know HE'S not having sex! :)
Let me reiterate - he did not hit me - he hit my car.
Not fun either way!!!
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